Plinko ASMR

Make a bet and watch the ball fall and become a millionaire!!

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Upgrade and experience being the richest! Don't give up until the end You can be the Winner


  • Genre


  • Rating

    Rated for 3+

  • Release

    May 31, 2023

  • Last Update

    Minor Bug Fixed


  • comment avatar


    it's not... good? i also have an internet adblocker, so that's not my issue. as another reviewer said, the money per second meter is completely incorrect, but it doesn't really affect the gameplay. the game restarts level 3 over and over again, and killing your bonus meter until you restart the entire app. balls get stuck in the funnel on level 3 too, meaning you have to restart the app for that too. that all said, this is the only simple Plinko game i can find, so i'm keeping it.

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    Manny Jack

    Balls get stuck on level 3 and even if you get to complete level 3 there are no more levels. It's a 5 minute game. Unfortunately.

  • comment avatar

    Jon Davy

    It's a phishing app to get full access to your phone &, for those who give permission, your PayPal account. It's designed to cheat you out of earnings on level 3 (like all Supercent Inc games). This app cannot be reported as a scam!

  • comment avatar

    Eugenia Strawser

    While the game is somewhat fun to play, I have not received the payout your ad said I could get. So, I am thinking this is just a scam and a fake game. Not sure I will keep playing as this makes you liars.

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    Chilli Uzi-maki_999

    Has potential but there are a lot of of problems. There's no settings, so it tends to stutter due to lack of graphics options. Level 3 just restarts like it's on a loop. Because it's an idle game you'd expect to see a working income meter but it's completely inaccurate. Saying for example $23m per second when in reality it's only like $230. Some balls get stuck and you have to restart the game to fix it. There is no tutorial and the "speed up" feature is totally pointless. Redundant after 10m

  • comment avatar

    Joanne Trelfa

    Game is faulty - Level 3 repeats itself so can't progress further in the game. False advertisements - social media shows that you can earn money by playing but there is no option for cash out and no settings. By playing this game the only people earning money are the developers, for everyone else it's a complete waste of time.

  • comment avatar

    Alexander Petofi

    The ad has Adrian Portelli on it. It is not his voice and the whole video has a voice over. This is a fake add. Why do people not actually look at advertisements closely anymore. There is no game / app in the world that would pay you $5000 a day. Let alone $50 a day. Wake up people. Instead of tapping the link they always ask, you should be reporting the add as a scam.

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    (I have ad-free internet) this game is actually really nice? Satisfies my adhd brain. Wish there was an option to turn off haptic feedback. Also the "amount per second" meter is completely wrong, idk what math its using but it's not for this game lol. Also the permissions?? Um... okay

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    So many ads it's unplayable

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    I have just downloaded this app I had won quite a lot for the time I had been on it asked for my PayPal account and then charged me £3 pound which I thought was the a fee you have to stand to get your winnings cause some apps sometimes do that but it wasn't it's a flaming subscription that after 30 days they take £40 pounds and every bloody month after !! It says if you want to cancel it you email or phone in the next 3 day BUT none of them are legit so I can't get in touch!!!! 😭

  • comment avatar

    Wandum Henry

    Fraudulent,lures into hidden subscriptions. Steel money from account without permission. Stay away from it.


Supercent, Inc.